Friday 23.12.2022
In the morning, Haru no longer wants to sleep properly, always turns from left to right and often lies on his stomach, but has still eaten. At lunchtime she didn’t want her food anymore, but goat’s milk with honey was fine 🙂 At 1:30 p.m. there were a few hecklers digging in the kudde, but after that there was no more panting apart from the constant rapid breathing. We only dug every now and then before lying down on the couch to go back to sleep. This condition lasted the whole night until the next morning. She didn’t want to eat anything in the evening and then she didn’t want any more goat’s milk either.
Saturday 24.12.2022
On Christmas Eve, Haru didn’t want to eat early either. At around 10:15 when she was let out into the garden she became very restless, ran up and down and started panting. We then both moved into the puppy room to prepare. It went on for a few hours with heavy breathing and some moaning and digging, slight shaking and sleeping. Overall she was very chilled. At 3:55 p.m. she started shaking violently and panting repeatedly. I was sure that the birth was imminent. The first male was born at 4:35 p.m. 🥰 Haru didn’t know exactly what to do at first, she licked the puppy that was still in both cases, so I helped her a little and opened the cases. Removing the umbilicus didn’t really work either; she bit at it with her front teeth, which of course didn’t help. As the birth progressed she figured it out and with the last one everything worked itself out. Even with the first afterbirth, she didn’t know how best to eat it, I think she was surprised that it was so tough to chew 😅 The mini was a bit limp and very naggy, which made Haru very, very restless and hectic because she didn’t know how to help him. Next, the only female dog was born at 5:20 p.m., also with both cases intact and with an afterbirth. She didn’t move from the start. After unpacking and licking Haru, there was still no movement, I rubbed, tried to get her to breathe, unfortunately I wasn’t able to 😢 Take care little star girl 🌈 I can’t explain why she didn’t want to breathe, she looked completely normal. Maybe she “quarreled” with her brother about the pole position during the beginning of the birth and was already separated from the placenta, after that it took too long, we probably can’t find out for sure… in any case it came the last 3 boys without incident and at 8:00 p.m. the shamrock was born 🍀
Sunday 25.12.2022
The first night was quiet, Haru and the Christmas gnomes are doing well. In the evening they were weighed – everyone had already gained weight 😀
Thursday 29.12.2022
Today the minis’ front claws were shortened for the first time because I could see some scratches on Haru’s teats. They seem satisfied and are becoming more and more mobile. I’ll try to make short videos of each one, starting with Mr. Mint 🙂
Friday 30.12.2022
Day 6, tomorrow the Christmas gnomes will be 1 week old.
Mr. Black crawling to the milk bar
Mr. Violet, who also crawls to the milk bar when he wakes up, and Mr. Gray, who falls off the teats as if after binge drinking 🤣
Sunday 01.01.2023
We’ve had a good start to the new year and are starting the day in a relaxed mood 😉
Tuesday 03.01.2023
Day 10 for the Christmas elves, the day started very relaxed. Haru is now increasingly leaving the whelping box for longer periods of time to sleep outside. Today the dwarves were dewormed for the first time!
Thursday 05.01.2023
Today the dwarves are 12 days old, Yumi and Gem would LOVE to finally say hello properly but Haru isn’t quite comfortable with that yet. They can hold their heads over the litter box – Yumi would like to jump in 😛
Sunday 08.01.2023
15 day old Mr. Mint ❤️
Tuesday 10.01.2023
The place is slowly coming to life, it’s day 17 today. The minis got some low-fat ground beef for the first time today. Not so convinced at first, they quickly realized that it tasted good. Afterwards they will be dewormed for the second time.
There are the first tentative fights 🙂
Tuesday 17.01.2023
It’s day 24, the gang is now practicing guzzling goat’s milk and has already received their first porridge with puppy food and goat’s milk. The small, pointed teeth have now broken through and they are becoming more and more eager to explore. But they still have to stay in their whelping box at night 😉
Saturday 21.01.2023
Today the minis are 4 weeks old and are allowed to move freely in the puppy room at night. Puppy food mixed with goat’s milk is now available four times a day. They are becoming more and more eager to explore 😀 Unfortunately, they are also becoming more and more aggressive in their dealings with each other… today for the first time there was a lot of complaining because Mr. Gray tried his teeth on Mr. Violet.
Wednesday 25.01.2023
Today on day 32, the puppy run has been expanded. The very brave ones have already taken a look at the new area 🙂
Tuesday 31.01.2023
Day 38 and the boys got a new toy made by Annette and Dieter. As you can see, they think it’s great 😄
Sunday 05.02.2023
On day 43 I put the minis in the tunnel in the outside run for the first time. A little hesitant at the beginning, after 5 minutes I was afraid they would tear the whole thing apart 😉
Tuesday 07.02.2023
The official names have now been determined and which of the minis can move in with whom.
TreasureYarden’s Disaster Recovery (Mr. Mint)
TreasureYarden’s Drag&Drop (Mr. Black)
TreasureYarden’s Dot (Mr. Grey)
TreasureYarden’s Drive (Mr. Violet)
Alex, Yumi’s physiotherapist, was also there today to feel all the little dwarves through. (
Thursday 09.02.2023
Day 47 – as you can see, the games are getting rougher among the boys… sometimes it sounds like they are completely tearing the puppy room apart.
Monday 13.02.2023
Day 51, the minis are already little cheeky things 😉
Tuesday 14.02.2023
As you can see, they can also be good 🙂 (day 52)
Wednesday 15.02.2023
Like every litter, there is a short video in which each of the puppies is briefly introduced from birth to 8 weeks.
Chipping and vaccinating were on the agenda in the afternoon, and the four boys did a great job on the journey there and back, which lasted just over an hour. They were also extremely brave with the doctor – you can be even if a tube of liver sausage is held in front of your nose 🙂
Thursday 16.02.2023
The litter inspection was today, everything was fine 🙂
The puppies grow up in the living area, with direct family connection and direct access to the outside area. Different surfaces, diverse employment opportunities and lots of contact with the breeder family and the adult dogs.
Relaxed mother dog in great condition, no longer lactating. Mammary in regression. Active puppies who enjoy loving rearing.
Optimal in all areas.
Saturday 18.02.2023
The first two boys move out at exactly 8 weeks.
The beginning makes TreasureYarden’s Dot (Dot) who, together with Ruby from the A litter, can now make Bruchköbel unsafe.
It follows TreasureYarden’s Drag&Drop (Drops) who in the future will be able to hunt in Reichertshofen with his big Labbi role model Herbie and annoy the beagle Pfaffi a little.
Sunday 19.02.2023
The next day we continue with TreasureYarden’s Drive (Drake) who, like Ziva from the A litter and Leroy from the C litter, is moving to Berlin. The three of them will definitely be a good trio!
A little later the last one begins the long journey home to Herten, TreasureYarden’s Disaster Recovery (Duke). There he will experience many new adventures together with his lab friend Edward.
I wish all 4 boys a long, healthy and fulfilling life in their new families!!!